Saturday, May 14, 2005



Sometimes I feel like maybe I have ruined myself for women. Like maybe I have though about it so stinkin much that I'll never be comfortable enough to just be in love and marry someone. I totally fall in love about every other week. I hate that. It's obviously a real superficial thing and I think it's mostly because I just want so badly to love someone, anyone. And then when it comes down to it, I look at the situation and think: "Well...she's great and all. She has a lot of great character traits and I really enjoy being around her...except...I always hoped or pictured marrying someone like [list specific talent, passion or trait(s) here]." I pretend to throw up my arms and say I don't care, but it never lasts, if it was true in the first place.

There's a story that Jesus tells in the Bible about the kingdom of Heaven which is the way I want to feel about women. A jeweller came across a large and perfect pearl--the absolute best he had ever seen and knew he would ever see. So, he sold all his other ware to obtain the pearl. Just like a man who was travelling through a field and came across a great treasure, like maybe crude oil or something. So, he sold all his possessions and went down to his local government office and put the money down on the barrel head and bought that piece of property so that he could have it. Somebody once gave me advice concerning women that is actually quite similar and which is right now my desire: "Don't marry a woman that you can live with, marry the woman you can't live without."

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